时间:2025-01-06 点击数:
With new virtual reality devices in the works from Facebook-owned Oculus VR, Sony, Valve, Samsung, and HTC, John Riccitiello believes his company—San Francisco’s Unity Technologies, which makes a gaming development platform of the same name—will lead the way for virtual-reality gaming and experiences.随着Facebook旗下的Oculus VR、索尼、Valve、三星和HTC等公司争相研发虚拟现实设备,旧金山牵头科技公司(Unity Technologies)CEO约翰o里奇迪略深信,这家致力于打造出同名游戏研发平台的公司将沦为虚拟现实游戏和体验领域的领头羊。“At least 90, if not 95 percent, of all content built so far for VR has been built on Unity, which gives you a sense of our market position,” the CEO says. “The promise of VR is in these super powerful headsets that change your experience. If you try a demo from Valve or Oculus or even the Microsoft HoloLens, they’re not just good, they’re staggering. We’re going to see a giant industry grow up and at the center of that industry is going to be the Unity development tool set.”这位首席执行官声称:“迄今为止,在所有植入虚拟现实设备的内容中,最少有90%,乃至95%都是基于‘牵头平台’研发的,我们公司的市场地位由此可见一斑。这些极强的头戴式虚拟现实设备,一定能彻底改变你的体验。如果你玩游戏过Valve、Oculus或微软公司全息眼镜HoloLens的正式版游戏,你就不会告诉,它们不只是好,而是好极了。
我们不会看见一个极大的产业蓬勃蓬勃发展,该产业的核心正是‘牵头开发工具套装’。”Riccitiello says virtual and augmented reality—VR and AR for short—are going to change entertainment over the course of the next four or five years. But the technology that underpins them is still immature, and no company has actually shipped a commercial product yet. (Sony plans to launch its Morpheus VR system in early 2016.)里奇迪略回应,在未来4到5年,虚拟世界或增强现实设备(全称VR和AR)将彻底改变娱乐行业。但承托它们的技术还不成熟期,目前也没哪家公司确实发售过商业化产品。(索尼公司计划在2016年初发售Morpheus虚拟现实系统)Riccitiello has worked in the video game industry since 1997, where as chief operating officer of Electronic Arts EA 0.59% he helped grow it into the biggest game publisher in the world. He joined Unity in October 2014.自1997年以来,里奇迪略仍然专门从事电子游戏业。
兼任艺电公司首席运营官期间,他协助该公司沦为全球仅次于的电子游戏企业。2014年10月,他加盟了牵头公司。In an interview with Fortune, Riccitiello says VR stands out from the many innovations in gaming that he’s observed in the last two decades.拒绝接受《财富》杂志采访时,里奇迪略回应,过去二十年来,虚拟现实已从他仔细观察的游戏业众多创意技术中脱颖而出。
“Touch screens gaming grew the industry from an audience of about 200 million people to over 2 billion people because it dramatically reduced complexity and it made games accessible to everyone,” Riccitiello says. “What VR does is transport people into the environments that the game creators have built. Right now we’re only seeing the very beginnings of the innovations that are possible with such powerful tools and amazing experiences.”他说道:“触屏游戏早已推展全球的游戏玩家从约2亿人快速增长到20亿以上,因为它大大降低了复杂度,让每个人都能玩游戏。虚拟现实的任务是将玩家送到游戏开发者打造出的环境中。这些强劲的工具正在促成令人惊叹的体验,但目前我们所看见的,意味着是这种创意的兴起而已。
”“High-end VR will probably not be accessible by the masses initially, while devices like Samsung Gear VR will be,” Riccitiello says. “What you’re going to see is some awesome singular experiences, whether that’s a great experience in mobile or on other platforms.”他说道:“一开始大众有可能还无法认识到高端虚拟现实设备,而三星的Gear VR是普通人都能玩的。今后大家将看见,无论是在手机平台还是其他平台上,都会辈出一些很出众的个体化体验。”In recent years, Riccitiello has been working with Oculus VR to integrate its Unity 5 platform into the Oculus development kit. (Indeed, Oculus VR founder Palmer Luckey was on stage during the Unity 5 press conference at the 2015 Game Developers Conference in San Francisco to discuss the role the technology has played in allowing developers to create VR experiences for its Oculus Rift headset and Crescent Bay, a retail prototype.) Unity offers free access to its platform for individuals and development studios with less than $100,000 in revenues or funding; for the rest, it charges $75 per month or $1,500 for a perpetual license. The technology competes with Epic Games’ Unreal Engine 4 and Crytek’s CryEngine 3.近年来,里奇迪略仍然与Oculus VR公司合作,致力于统合“牵头5”平台和Oculus的研发工具包(实质上,在旧金山2015年游戏开发者大会举办的‘牵头5’平台新闻发布会上,Oculus VR公司创始人帕尔默o勒基声称,这种技术在容许开发者为Oculus Rift头戴式设备和零售款Crescent Bay建构虚拟现实体验方面充分发挥了关键作用)。
此外,“牵头”平台还向那些收益或资金不足10万美元的个人和工作室免费对外开放。对其他群体,它的收费标准是每月75美元,或重复使用缴纳1500美元的永久使用费。该技术平台的输掉是Epic Games公司的Unreal Engine 4和Crytek公司的CryEngine 3。